Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20192 min readSEASON RESORT :UNIT 11These images where all taken in Southport, I tried my best to focus on different points that represent that southport is a sea-side...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20191 min readVISUAL NARRATIVE INTENT :UNIT 31When choosing a theme for my visual narrative project, I want to look into something that would give me more of an opportunity to have an...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20191 min readDIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY :UNIT 31For this workshop, I wanted to take my work to a further level, other than just using a camera, I wanted to experiment more with...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20192 min readU N I T 4V E N C U L A R L A N D S C A P E : U N I T 4 All of these images where taken when I went to Manchester, I wanted to capture the...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20192 min readCHANGING TIDES :UNIT 4Create a blog post subtitle that summarizes your post in a few short, punchy sentences and entices your audience to continue reading....