Jake Scott RigbyMar 7, 20191 min readSMASHED ICE :UNIT 31This photoshoot was more of a hit and miss; I didn't have any intentions on doing this shoot hence why there is only a short selection of...
Jake Scott RigbyMar 7, 20191 min readCOLOUR DISTORTION: UNIT 31This photography workshop was for me to experiment working in the photography studio using colour; I decided I wanted this would be a...
Jake Scott RigbyMar 6, 20192 min readMAKEUP DISTORTION :UNIT 31This shoot was the first idea I had for the visual narrative unit. All I did for this shoot was ask four of my closest friends if they...
Jake Scott RigbyMar 6, 20191 min readPHOTO COLLISION :UNIT 31All I did for this workshop was find a model and take two images of her, I took one image where she would just pull a straight face and...
Jake Scott RigbyMar 6, 20192 min readPHOTOGRAPHER RESEARCH :UNIT 31STEPHAN SHANABROOK Born 1965, the conceptual artist Stephan Shanabrook is most well-known for the commission he presented with "Comme des...
Jake Scott RigbyMar 6, 20191 min readMAGAZINE DISTORTION :UNIT 31This shoot is my favourite one I have done so far through out my visual narrative project. I worked in the style of John Clang, I wanted...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20191 min readVISUAL NARRATIVE INTENT :UNIT 31When choosing a theme for my visual narrative project, I want to look into something that would give me more of an opportunity to have an...
Jake Scott RigbyJan 31, 20191 min readDIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY :UNIT 31For this workshop, I wanted to take my work to a further level, other than just using a camera, I wanted to experiment more with...