For this event, I decided to go to Manchester City Centre, because Manchester is a city where there are a lot of memorials, there was a lot of memorials, there was a poppy appeal memorial and the Manchester bombing attack (22nd may). I decided, I wanted to look further into detail about Manchester, so as well as getting images of the memorials, I decided I wanted to take photographs of the architecture as well in the city centre.

All these images where taken on a NIKON D7500 DSLR. I had the whole camera set to manual the whole time I was in Manchester, I had the camera exposure set to -0.5 and that was the only way I altered the images with the digital editing.
This image was taken up near where all of the flowers where laid down after the 22nd may attack happened.

As the police play a very important role in society, and especially in situations like the attacks that happen around the world, I wanted to capture some images with a deeper meaning. So I found things to help connect with the purpose of this trip. I really like how both of these images have turned out all together. None of these images have been edited to further detail, these are the normal original shoots.

All of the rest of the images are mainly focused on the memorials, I wanted to connect all of this project together, as to why I found two things that relate to each other.

This next image is my contact sheet from this day, as I couldn't present each individual image I have put them on a contact sheet.
